vrijdag 17 februari 2012

MyUTN50 (dongle) usb-server

After reading some posts about dongle-servers I became enthousiastic, because we use a lot of dongles here for all kind of programs.
I found that the MyUTN50 USB server was used as dongleserver too and it is affordable.
So I though I would give it a try. Bought a MyUTN50, installed it in 3 minutes....
Installed it over a VPN on another computer in 5 minutes....
And was up and running in less the a total of 10 minutes....

Running my software remote with my dongle local (over 100 miles away)
That is awesome and I want to share this with the world...but as you might know if you are in the same business...nobody understands what you are talking about :(

Right click and activate and you "own" the software....

Update 18-02-2012:

Although configuring was less easy (mostly because of my routersettings) it is possible to make the UTN-Manger available over the internet.
I can now access my dongles from over the globe which gives me huge possibilities.
This way I can install my software on a remote computer and access my local dongle, so I can run different tools remotely without the need of shipping or bringing my dongle to clients !!

zaterdag 4 februari 2012

SMS-recovery out of an iPhone

I will write this in Engllish as I know there are a lot of questions about extracting SMS-messages out of iPones around the globe. As long as sms-messages are still in their filestructure, you will be able to get them out using a sqlight browser.

But what if you have the feeling that there are more SMS-messages to be found in the iPhone, but the tools you use (if you have any) can't get them out.
In an ongoing investigation we had such a thing, that made us look deeper into the raw data.

To find the end of SMS-messages, we used:

better but with more false positives, (but also more good sms-messages:)

As \x6E\x6C is the hexadecimal valeu for nl and this iPhone was an iPhone from the Netherlands,
it might be that the hex-valeu differ from country to country. We havent checked that.

In our case we found 122 messages instead of the 14 which where earlier found with the tools, ment for extractinig SMS out of data.

For a way to get a DD of your "Jailbroken" iPhone, take a look at:

For non-jailbroken iPhones you either have to jailbreak them or contact a specialist to make an image with specialised tools like the Cellebrite UFED.

TomTom triplog files decrypted !!

TomTom uses triplog files to analyse your routings and provide better services to you as a custommer.
For investigations, this information can be very usefull as well.

We are now able to provide you the decrypted TomTom trip-log files and sent you the triplog.kml files with them.Now you can import the valuable data into Google Earth.
See the video impression or take a look at the route on Google maps
