vrijdag 17 februari 2012

MyUTN50 (dongle) usb-server

After reading some posts about dongle-servers I became enthousiastic, because we use a lot of dongles here for all kind of programs.
I found that the MyUTN50 USB server was used as dongleserver too and it is affordable.
So I though I would give it a try. Bought a MyUTN50, installed it in 3 minutes....
Installed it over a VPN on another computer in 5 minutes....
And was up and running in less the a total of 10 minutes....

Running my software remote with my dongle local (over 100 miles away)
That is awesome and I want to share this with the world...but as you might know if you are in the same business...nobody understands what you are talking about :(

Right click and activate and you "own" the software....

Update 18-02-2012:

Although configuring was less easy (mostly because of my routersettings) it is possible to make the UTN-Manger available over the internet.
I can now access my dongles from over the globe which gives me huge possibilities.
This way I can install my software on a remote computer and access my local dongle, so I can run different tools remotely without the need of shipping or bringing my dongle to clients !!

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